
Highly skilled and motivated language professional seeking a challenging position in Japan. Fluent in Japanese and English, with a strong background in Japanese language and culture. Committed to bridging cultural gaps and facilitating effective communication. IELTS 7.5 | JLPT N2 | Studying for Google certifications




Rotas Japan1年間


- 現在

- Italian wine expertise acquired through training in order to best serve customers - Managing customers relations - Creating a strategy to develop new potential customers


日本語教育研究センター 日本語教育プログラム


Relevant coursework: Business Japanese Language, Presentation and SWOT Analysis, Japanese Language in Media

Freelance interpreter4年間



- Provided translation and interpreting services for Japanese organic tea producers in Italy, Japanese exchange students with lawyers, and Italian wine producers in Tokyo - Facilitated business negotiations between Japanese and Italian parties, ensuring effective communica


アジア・北アフリカ研究科 日本専攻


Relevant coursework: Sociology of Japan, Contemporary Religions and Politics, Advanced Japanese Language Thesis: “Participation, Autonomy, and Democracy in Japanese Language Teaching: two online projects as case studies” Faculty tutor program: received a €1200 stipend for tutoring beginner and intermediate level Japanese language classes


Junior coordinator


- Coordinated educational projects (Virtual Ryuugaku 1 and 2) involving 195 students from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and various Japanese universities - Analyzed a total of 33,552 written messages between students - Collaborated with Professor Marcella Mariotti and received funding from the Japan Foundation


- Guided over 30 students, dedicating personal attention lacking in large classrooms - Tutored for beginner and intermediate Japanese Language classrooms


アジア・北アフリカ研究学部 日本研究専攻


History of Japan, Political History of Japan, International Relations, Beginner and Intermediate Japanese Language, Contemporary Japanese Society, Cultural Studies. Research thesis on Japanese Language education.


Intern as a Student Facilitator


- Coordinated a group of students for a 15-week, €75,000 educational and research project (SPIN) led by Professor Marcella Mariotti - Assisted in developing questionnaires and conducted mixed-method research analysis - Published a research paper leading a small team of researchers


Intern for the Student Activity Team


- Selected as an intern among over 700 candidates from 51 universities worldwide - Coordinated and executed a successful street fundraising campaign, collecting a total of 103,769,425 yen - Gained insights into Japanese NPOs and their political environment


  • 日本語 - 日常会話レベル
  • イタリア語 - ネイティブレベル
  • 英語 - ネイティブレベル
