関 信浩

株式会社Darma Tech Labs / Chief Investment OfficerNew York, NY

関 信浩

株式会社Darma Tech Labs / Chief Investment Officer

Seasoned Entrepreneur & Hardware Investor

Nobuhiro (Nob) Seki is an ambitious entrepreneur based in New York City and his hometown Tokyo, Japan.



Building a foundation of the hardware startup ecosystem in New York City, I would like to create an integrated ecosystem with the manufacturing ecosystem in Japan.

株式会社Darma Tech Labsの会社情報

株式会社Darma Tech Labs7年間

Chief Investment Officer現在

- 現在

With MBC Shisaku Fund and specialized manufacturing consulting team, Makers Boot Camp (MBC) invests in early-stage hardware startups and helps them accelerate their manufacturing processes to make the first product to the market successfully.
