Ken Takagiwa

The Apache Software Foundation / Spark contributorKanagawa

Ken Takagiwa

The Apache Software Foundation / Spark contributor

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Ken is a full stack engineer but focusing backend. He has worked several startups and big company since he was a freshman. He has experienced design, marketing, programming in these startups. He was selected to Cisco International Internship Program(CIIP) in 2013. CIIP gathers outstanding students from all over the world and lets them work CiscoHQ as a full time internship for one year. He worked under Enterprise Network Gear - Software Defined Network.



Build a tech startup in Silicon Valley which changes the world.

The Apache Software Foundation10年間

Spark contributor現在

- 現在

Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. It provides rich API(Scala/Java, Python) and good documentations. I am mainly contributing to Python API for Spark Streaming.


Chief Architect(co-founder)現在

- 現在

• Launched three different job matching sites in the IT field: "Engineer Intern"(URL:, “Engineer Shukatu”(URL: and “Engineer Tenshoku”(URL: .

Keio University Graduate School

MS Computer Science

Researching about Deep Packet Inspection and DataBase

CEA - Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives4ヶ月

research intern(インターン)


Developed IoT gateway to manage heterogenious sensors Desgined architecture for scalibility Implemented distributed search for IoT sensors

Internet Initiative Japanの会社情報

Internet Initiative Japan2ヶ月

Research Intern


Evaluate Active Queue Management and Explicit Congestion Notification toward HTTP live streaming such as Mpeg Dash. Develop a Golang client for concurrent requests which scale thousands of clients.

Cisco systems1年間

Software engineer (Intern)


• Be in charge of release and build for Application Policy Infrastructure Controller-Enterprise Module (APIC-EM), SDN controller application for enterprise, and managed team infrastructure to let our team develop seamlessly in Cloud Virtualization Group (CVG).

Keio University

BS System Design Engineering

Be in charge of all technical matter in Horiemon(Takafumi Horie) lecture in Mitasai 2010 Managed Internet Business Research Group as the president in 2010 Managed GENE as the president in 2011

Sunbridge Global Venture Habitat3ヶ月

Marketing assistant (Intern)


• Interviewed with the CEOs of 20 IT startups as a part of marketing research project and discovered the latest trend of startup companies in Plug and Play Tech Center, an incubation center. • Analyzed the incubation trend in Silicon Valley and recommended to improve env

Burning Galaxy, inc3年間

Web creator(インターン)


• Developed and maintained a portal donation site, which raised 1,150 dollars donation for non-profit organizations (NPO) in 2010. • Redesigned and implemented most of frontend of the donation site.


  • データマイニング

    • 町田 耕一

    町田 耕一が+1

  • ネットワーク

    • 町田 耕一

    町田 耕一が+1

  • インフラ

    • 町田 耕一

    町田 耕一が+1

  • データベース

    • 町田 耕一

    町田 耕一が+1

  • Network

    • 町田 耕一

    町田 耕一が+1

  • AngularJS、Python、Scala 他10件



  • 英語 - ビジネス会話レベル
  • 日本語 - ネイティブレベル
