
CI/CD to automate and streamline development sites


My name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.
My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.
Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I would like to express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.

Development sites suffered from environmental differences between development, verification, and production environments

I am sure you can relate to this when you have some experience with a variety of projects.
・Before you know it, environmental differences are occurring.
・No matter how many times you review and warn your subordinates, they still make mistakes.
・Just before a production release, bugs occur frequently due to environment differences.

Automated testing and deployment enables single source code/multi-deployment

CI/CD, Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery, enables thorough automated testing and deployment
・Enables single source code and multiple deployments
・Test results can be checked automatically
・No impurities can enter the source code
・Enables source code leveling
・Application quality is not dependent on engineers
The application quality that does not depend on the engineer has been realized.

Automation has made it overwhelmingly more efficient.

Above all, the efficiency and speed of agile development is off the charts. When crossed with two or three excellent engineers, a project can be realized that is overwhelmingly faster and of higher quality than a typical project involving dozens or hundreds of people.

For those who have read this

If you have read this far, I am sure we share some values, and I would be very happy if we could talk casually first.
Definer, Inc. is looking for people to work with.
