
"ソフトウェアエンジニアリングは日々進化している。常に新しいドアを開け、熱意を持って挑戦し続けたい" インタビュー エンジニア ニラヴさん / “Software Engineering is volatile — one needs the zeal to pick up on new concepts” Interview with engineer Nilav Khatiwada

*English follows Japanese.



ニラヴ・カティワダ(Nilav Khatiwada)ソフトウェア・エンジニア







それまでとの違いはありましたが、特に問題に感じたことはなかったですね。前の会社と比較すると、ビービットではチームがより規律性を持って行動していることがわかりました。 守るべき手順やプロトコルがあります。これは良いことで、私はビービットに入ってから以前よりも几帳面になりました。


私の場合、まずTo-Doリストに取り組むことから始まります。その後、スクラムチームで午前11時にスタンドアップミーティングを行います。ここではチームのタスクや進捗状況、直面している問題、求められる解決策などを一緒に話し合い、その日何をするかプランを立てます。ミーティングは通常15~20分程度で終わります。続いてPull Requestのレビューセッションを行います。それ以外にも私の確認が必要なことがあれば確認し、日々の業務を完了させます。コロナ禍の影響で現在はフルリモートで仕事をしています。


現在、ビービットのSaaS製品であるUSERGRAM (ユーザグラム) の複数のプロジェクトに取り組んでいて、その1つは、データ消去のプロジェクトです。他にも、"AIサジェスト "と "ユーザ注目ワード "という、USERGRAMの2つの必須機能のプロジェクトにも取り組みました。


















(取材・執筆協力:Hardeep Parshad)

【インタビュー 一覧】

“ユーザー中心”のサービスを育てるスピリットが、ここにはあった。インタビュー #1 エンジニア上杉さん

ビービットとの出会いは、仲間と一緒にサービスを作る楽しさを教えてくれた/インタビュー #2 エンジニア 安保さん

新卒2年目のエンジニアに聞く ビービットへ入社した3つの決め手、きつかった研修期間、顧客を支えるやりがい、今後の目標 / インタビュー#4 エンジニア 山崎さん

ビービット プロダクト開発チーム 副責任者が語る 変化を恐れない会社が唯一変えない「理念」/ インタビュー#5 開発副責任者 岡さん

重工メーカーの研究職から開発エンジニアへ。メンバーの成長を支え、目指すは「最高のユーザー体験の提供」/ インタビュー#6 エンジニア 池田さん

多くのネパール人エンジニアを育て上げた大学講師から開発エンジニアへ。日本に来た理由 、USERGRAMの魅力、ビービットで働く意味。/ インタビュー# 7 エンジニア ビノドさん

「凡庸な毎日を変えたかった」ネパール出身のエンジニアに聞く、リスクを冒す理由、モチベーションの源泉、挑戦してみたいこと。/ インタビュー #8 エンジニア サガールさん

“Software Engineering is volatile — one needs the zeal to pick up on new concepts.”

Interview with engineer Nilav Khatiwada

At beBit, engineers with distinct backgrounds are working unitedly. And, this time, we sat with Mr. Nilav, a native to Nepal—associated with beBit for the past two years as a backend cum infrastructure specialist.
Nilav oversees system security and, committed to building a robust infrastructure. Before coming to Japan, he worked as a Python engineer for an AI-based company back in Nepal.

I wanted to grow myself individually and professionally.

From Nepal to Japan, what inspired you to make this transition?

The rationale behind this transition was "exposure." I am fascinated by different working cultures. I wanted to grow myself individually and professionally, and what better place than Japan for that. Plus, it is one of the advanced countries when it comes to technology, so why not.

Why beBit?

Well, I did my research before making a move and, beBit stood tall in all the parameters, like diverse company culture, growth opportunities, interesting roles, good financial health, and satisfactory working hours. So it was a no-brainer.

How was your experience when you first joined beBit, and what difficulties you faced?

It was different but mostly good. Comparing to my former organization, I found, at beBit, teams are more disciplined. There are procedures and protocols in place that we need to comply with—which is good in a way, made me an organized person.
About difficulties, as an engineer, there was almost none. Thanks to the team. They were all welcoming, thoughtful and helped me throughout the process. In no time, I learned how to cope with this new environment.

As an engineer, what does your day look like?

On a typical day, I start by working on my to-do list. Followed by a standup meeting at 11 am. It is where we discuss our assignments, progress, challenges and, sought-out solutions together.
Then we plan the rest of the day, which usually takes about 15-20 minutes. Subsequently, there is a Pull request review session with my scrum team of five people. If there is any other matter that needs my attention, I see to it. Else, I go on about my daily tasks and work till they are concluded. Although, due to this Covid-19 situation, we are working remotely at the moment.

What are you working on at the moment?

At the moment, I am working on a few projects for USERGRAM, our SAAS product. I am currently working on a data deletion project. I've also worked on other projects called "AI Suggest" and "Word Cloud"- two essentials features of USERGRAM.

I have my hands full for sure, and I'm loving it.

Can you please elaborate?

Sure. USERGRAM is a SaaS that supports the understanding of the context behind user behavior. One of the functions that supports analysis is “Word Cloud”, and one of the data that USERGRAM handles is web pages. USERGRAM uses natural language processing to extract and visualize words that users are interested in. USERGRAM is also developing services that run on AWS and Kubernetes. These are all designed to improve the user experience. Recently, we have been working on a project to increase the flexibility of data deletion to enhance security. So, I have my hands full, for sure and, I’m loving it.

You have mentioned one of the features - AI suggestion—please tell me a bit about that.

AI suggestion is one of the AI features in USERGRAM and calculates how pages contribute to conversions. It is useful to increase pages leading to conversions and improve pages blocking conversions. UX can be improved with the feature. It's pretty cool, by the way.

Please tell me about your experience with your scrum team and with other teams as well?

In total, we have seven different teams working as a unit. Each team has its area of expertise. Mine, in particular, has five members. We work on the backend, infrastructure and, I am a scrum master. Our product owner is a hell of a guy, very supportive. We have a good delegation of authority. You know, we help each other out whenever we can—share all the information and knowledge related to work. In a nutshell, we have each other's back.
Experience with other teams is pleasant as well. To improve the coordination, we have regular sessions, Slack communications, and yes! Sharing sessions make us work in harmony.

beBit has expanded my world to a whole new level.

So can you tell me what you like about beBit?

It is ideal for both novice and experienced engineers. A beginner can learn a lot from seasoned teams. On the other hand, experienced engineers will have challenging concepts at their disposal. If you are sincere and have a curious mind, you're going to fit right in. You know, I worked for three straight years with my previous company. However, I learned way more here about the tech world, and it's only been two years. I am fascinated by how we use the latest trend, agile methodology, which gives you a new perspective. Owing to that, I am a more advanced engineer than I ever was.
It appears I have advanced drastically on both a personal and professional level here. As I said earlier in the interview, I was looking for exposure. beBit provided me that, which made me a wholesome person also confer me the opportunity to grow my career.
If I go further and talk about the management role—they have done a tremendous job providing the best working environment, even during the pandemic. So, I am sincerely grateful beBit is, in fact, the best place for learning and for growing.

Is there anything that you would like to challenge in the future?

At the moment, I am involved with USERGRAM. Nevertheless, I sure do have the ambition to learn more. These days my work centered on infrastructure, but my love for Python never subsided. Back in the day, I used to work on Apache Spark, Scala, etc. I seek to explore them again at some point in time.
However, I first want to surmount the new tech that I got a chance to work on—like Kubernetes, AWS, etc.
Here, we have skilled engineers specialized in machine learning. I share the same interest, plus having prior experience will go hand-in-hand, which means the next suitable step would be to get acquainted with the teams and start on a different venture.

Any advice for the engineers who are about to join beBit?

You see, software engineering is a dynamic and volatile domain that requires a flexible approach and zeal to pick new concepts. The very thing that makes this easy — first, a good working environment and second, team participation. Without the former, you cannot survive for long and, without the latter, it just becomes too damn stressful. Now, coming back to your question. My advice would be if you want to join a fast-paced company that keeps up with the new trends, works on unique and challenging concepts, then beBit is for you. Without any skepticism, go for it.

Mr. Nilrav is a curious and hard-working person. It has only been two years, yet he became a significant part of the company. He shares the same passion as the team.

beBit's development team is looking for people to join Mr. Nilav and his team!

(Interviewed and written by Hardeep Parshad)

【Other Interviews】

"beBit has taught me the joy of creating a service with my colleagues" Interview with engineer Motoyasu Abo

"There is a spirit of developing user-centered services here" Interview with engineer Osuke Uesugi.

Interview with a new graduate engineer in his second year - The three deciding factors for joining beBit, tough training period, the fulfillment of supporting users, and his future goals / Interview with engineer Yoshitaka Yamazaki

The only "mission" that beBit, a company that is not afraid of change, has never changed. / Interview with the deputy chief of development team Mitsuru Oka

From a researcher at a heavy industry manufacturer to a software development engineer, he supports team members' growth, aiming to "provide the best user experience." / Interview with engineer Kazuki Ikeda

Former Lecturer who helped train many Nepali engineers, Now A Seasoned Software Engineer ー Why he came to Japan, the magic of USERGRAM, and the reason for working at beBit. / Interview with engineer Binod Raj Pandey

"I wanted to change my mundane routine life." An interview with an engineer from Nepal on why he takes risks, what motivates him, and what he wants to challenge. / Interview with engineer Sagar Giri

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